Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sourdough and such

So I again attempted and succeeded at making a sourdough starter. It worked so much better than last time. I used orange juice instead of water and rye flour instead of unbleached AP for the first three feedings. I read several different places that this was unnecessary, but it worked. Today I made my first loaf from it . . . and I burned it. I followed the directions, but it was fairly inedible. However, the inside showed definite promise. I think I like this starter. I found a second website that cited breadtopia's method, but called to bake at 50 degrees lower. I think I'll try that next time. I have also found other sourdough recipes to try in the next few weeks.

Sandwich bread
Sourdough Waffles
Sourdough loaf

I also used two cups of my Amish friendship starter to make banana bread last night. It was the moistest bread ever and everyone around here has enjoyed it.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I made a brioche loaf last night. When I took it out of the oven, one half was a beautiful golden brown. Then there was a split and the other half was lighter and looked more like the dough. I double checked the directions and they did not suggest slashing the loaf. I have put in a question to the authors on their website, so we'll see if I get a response. All of that being said, I think it was the best bread Sonny has ever had. It was really good. The crust was soft and made for a great dinner bread. I will definitely try it again. I also think it would make a good dough for dinner rolls and I may try that with this batch.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Amish Friendship Bread

About a month ago, Dana gave me an Amish Friendship bread starter and a recipe for a really tasty almost cake-like bread. It is made with pudding and I've tried vanilla and chocolate so far. The vanilla was delicious, but the chocolate just didn't quite taste chocolate-y enough to me. I have two starters going right now, due to be done on Wednesday. Here's my plan.

-Thursday night dinner: Herman Pancakes
-Lemon poppyseed bread with lemon pudding
-A sourdough-ish bread - this makes 3 loaves. I might try to freeze one and see how it does (another site
-pizza crust - maybe

Other recipes to think about

I have really enjoyed this started but it is starting to take over. I really need to find some people to give starter to, I guess.

This Week's Bread Adventures

This week, Sonny asked me if we could have homemade rolls. I did a little research on the artisan bread in five minutes a day website and found a recipe for "thanksgiving buns". I used the master starter for this, but they said that you could use any of their doughs. So I shaped 6 little mini loafs by their directions. When they came out, I put a little butter on the top to soften them up. They were delicious, and I should have made more than six. The kids loved them too. Maybe I need to start adding pictures, because they even looked good.

With the rest of the dough I made a couple loaves of artisan bread for a girls' night and left Sonny some too. I need to remember to post that recipe and video on Facebook. It really is too easy and cheap not to share.

This morning I made the brioche dough. I had been determined to do it all week and couldn't keep the kitchen clean long enough to get it done. Today was no different, but I pushed things out of the way. I had a plan - a New Orleans brunch. The Artisan Bread in Five cookbook gave a recipe for beignets that could be made with brioche. Dana's friend Zoe posted some FB pictures of some she made a few weeks ago and they looked heavenly. Plus, while I was buying Sonny's coffee this week I spotted Community Brand New Orleans Style coffee with chicory. That settled it. I spent nearly all morning, but in the end I had my beignets and cafe au lait. Some of the beignets were perfect, but several of them were hollow. Now I need to figure out what causes that to happen. Sonny thinks I need to do it purposefully and stuff them with something. I informed him that those would then be eclairs or profiteroles, not beignets. Still, they were good and he certainly enjoyed his share too. Need to keep a better eye on oil temperature in the future. Maybe that was an issue. I also noticed later that my dough had not fully risen. That could have been a factor as well.

Still thinking about making a loaf of brioche tonight for whatever we're having for dinner. Plus, I think it would make for wonderful french toast for a breakfast night. We'll see what gets done though. Now on to clean up the kitchen. Its even more of a wreck after the beignets.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


This is really for me to document different recipes tried and their results. So if you've stumbled upon this blog and find it interesting, that's a great bonus. If its really tired and boring, just know it wasn't intended for you. We keep talking about reformatting the computer or buying a new computer so an online format seemed to make the most sense for keeping track of recipes.